terms and conditions of sale


  1. Unless stated all items are unique so are offered as single items.
  2. Prices are in Pounds Sterling (GBP).
  3. Packing is free but postage is added to the quoted price at cost.
  4. The postage method used is the customer’s choice.
  5. All items are offered subject to availability.
  6. Unsuccessful orders are recorded and the customer is notified if similar items are found. However, the customer is under no obligation to buy any such item in the future.
  7. Any items is returnable within 7 days of receipt if found to be other than described.
  8. We accepted payment by PayPal.
  9. Pound sterling cheques and bank drafts can also be used to make payment.
  10. The following cards are also accepted please contact us for details:
    visa mastercard amex
  11. To order click on the icon above CONTACT US.