Richard Batterham – a life with pots

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Richard Batterham, who had just turned 80 when I originally wrote this, became fascinated by pottery as a schoolboy and, following a 2 year apprenticeship at the Leach Pottery, set up his own studio in Dorset in 1959. There he has continued to make pots that “enrich rather than adorn life” to this day.

richard batterham-studio-potteryCertainly Richard’s time at Bryanston School where his interest was encouraged by inspiring teacher, Donald Potter, followed by his time working with Bernard Leach, have had a great influence on his work ethic and the type of pots that have become his life. These are never over elaborate, have a consistency of form and a serene sculptural quality that never fails to please or surprise however long you have lived with them. Indeed one of the favourite pots in my own collection is a tall beaten bottle of Richard’s that I will never part with.

Richard has always worked alone and, until recently,  fired his oil and wood-fired kiln 4 or 5 times a year and, on occasions, his smaller salt-glaze kiln that he built with the help of French potter, Thiébaut Chagué, almost 40 years ago. He believes in “maintaining a broad rhythm and allowing the pots to grow from both that rhythm and from an awareness of the nature of the materials used.”

For me Richard Batterham will always be one of the finest potters that this country has ever produced and, as a small celebration of his birthday, I included a selection of his work in the exhibition I held in November 2016.

It is with sadness that I have to add that Richard passed away at the beginning of September 2021. A shy, modest man, who leaves a tremendous legacy. I look back with fondness on my many visits to the pottery in Durweston to buy gallery stock and items for myself.

Richard Batterham jugs and a jam jar
  Richard Batterham jugs and a jam jar
Richard Batterham stoneware bowls
Richard Batterham stoneware bowls

Please note that all of the pots illustrating this piece have been sold.